Sunday, August 12, 2007

Costa Rican Riffs. . .

Note to friends, travel agents. . .Don't go to Costa Rica in the rainy season. It's a beautiful country with lots to do, but there are some points at which you just can't do what you want. We're heading to our next resort today. Yesterday, Carol checked to see if they have a local weather forecast. The only info on the website is that July-August is known as the "Green Season." Nice euphemism.

When we researched the weather, we focused on tempature -- it essentially stays the same here all year round. There's only been one short stretch that we thought was overly humid -- the rest of the time the temp/humidity has been fine. . .better than back home. But the rain is getting tiresome.

There's no truth to the rumor that we timed our trip to be out of the country when Barry Bonds broke Hank Aaron's record. It's just a happy coincidence. When Aaron broke the Babe's record, I was in the hospital for an operation -- and the nurses let me stay up to watch it (the only kid allowed to stay up). My shout of excitement brought the nurses running. It's better this way. . .that I haven't seen that chemicalized freak's 756th.

The Costa Ricans we've met are all very nice. They want to know where we are from, and how we like Costa Rica. Clearly they have a sense of pride in their country. . .and they want to make a good impression so word spreads about their hospitality.

We get letters. . .it's funny, people are emailing me individual comments, but only one person has posted a comment to the blog thus far.

Service here is generally pretty good, and comes with a smile. As an American, it's nice to not be wondering if they are back there spitting in our food (which may be the case, but they certainly don't give the impression, which is half of it). It's clearly a Spanish/Latino mix here, with no French.

Occasionally service can be a tad slow, but the trick at the end of the meal is to send the girls either back to the beach/pool (lunchtime) or to the suite (dinnertime). That's when the waiter gets the hint to bring the check.

So far, we've seen a two-toed sloth, several snakes, many frogs and lizards, a monkey, a large iguana, and a number of pretty birds. The next place we are going is noted for its wildlife, including monkeys and three-toed sloths.

The Yankees now have a better record than the Mets. Wireless internet service is great for blogging in the early morning and keeping up with the pennant race at night. My brother the Mets fan will point out that they are still in first. . .but he'll neglect to mention they play in the National League, which is the baseball equivalent of getting three or four mulligans. . .per nine holes.

Punta Islita is a great resort, but you have to come with the right mindset. It's out in the middle of nowhere, the beach is rocky, and the family pool isn't that large. However, we've all but had the place to ourselves (especially when it rains). Iron Tourists aren't deterred from the ocean just because of a little rain. However, it is quiet and relaxing. And private. Very private. With just 50 rooms, it's like having a hillside place of your own.

Remember, there is a dirt road leading in, and another one leading out. So don't expect much exploring off resort if you come -- we've been here two and a half days (three nights) and that's about the right amount of time. Couldn't see coming here for a week.

Next up is the zip line canopy tour, white water rafting, horseback riding, and some jungle tour/hike thingie. Hopefully we'll get back to the pattern of not raining until 4pm.

Today is Carol's birthday. . .two years ago we were in Hawaii and I figured we would wait to celebrate until we got back. Um, I was wrong about that. It cost me a nice Hawaiian piece of jewelry. Today's a travel day, but hopefully the weather will clear upon arrival and we can be outside a bit this afternoon.


lysb said...

Glen, love the blog. Wish Carol a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Ever watch "Survivorman"? Friday's episode was in Costa Rica. Travel safe.

Rod said...

Yes, Glen, the Yanks are doing great. Here in Boston the fans have already mailed it in. It's over. The Yanks have done it again. And why not? There are four MLB players with salaries greater than $20mm. ALL FOUR are Yankees. Of the top 11 paid MLB players, six are Yanks. Put another way, every other team averages 1/6 of a Top 11 salary. The Yanks have 6 of them. Essentially, the Yanks should be 10x better than any other team. Yet, they're not. They are underachiving and uninspiring.

Anonymous said...


Caught up on your blog...

Julie was happy to hear that there is analysis available from you -- free of charge == that must be tough for you.

I expected a power point and an invoice for $22,500.

I also appreciate the fact that, despite the rain, you have not posted pics of yourself in a wet t-shirt.