Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day Two Photos -- Reunion, Robben Island, and Dinner with Julia's Friends

First sighting of Julia since early January.

Table Mountain and Cape
Town from the docks.

More of Cape Town, Lion's
Head, and Signal Hill

First Recontact.

Aboard the ship.

The MV Explorer, Julia's home
and classroom this semester

Cape Town from the boat to Robben Island

Robben Island

The infamous prison

The "house" where Robert Sobukwe was
held in solitary confinement.

Looking back to Cape Town

Our guide in the prison -- he was a political
prisoner there from 1981 till being freed.

Nelson Mandela's cell,
and yes, that's his bed.

Dinner with Julia's friends at Tosca on the
Victoria and Albert Waterfront

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