Monday, April 7, 2014

Day Three Photos -- Journey to the Bottom of Africa

Beach #3 and many of the Twelve Apostles

The Sentinel of Hout Bay

Hout Bay

I think I ate this guy at some point on the trip.  Very
tasty -- next time I will have it with a nice Chianti.

At Cape Point

A scenic beach

It only seems like the bottom point
of Africa, but it actually is not.

Our world traveler, far from home.
And far from Singapore.

Behind us is north along False Bay.

The failed lighthouse at the end of the world.

And, the actual lighthouse that
works at the end of the world.

In case we got lost. . .

I know, there's another section of photos
devoted solely to penguins, but honestly,
is there ever such a thing as too many photos
of penguins?  I agree with you -- no way!

Legitimate way to earn extra money, or child abuse?
Discuss.  (Actual discussion in a post to be written.)

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