Monday, September 18, 2017

Final Reflections. . .

It's hard to go everywhere we want to go in life, but I'm glad I finally got to Bryce and Zion National Parks.  I was blown away by their beauty and enjoyed the glamping.  Now, as usual on small group trips, I asked my fellow travelers some questions, since I've done all the writing/opinionating.  I've only heard from four so far, but will add others when/if they reply.  Here we go:

Favorite hike?
Fairyland, it was like walking in a cave of stalagmites but with out the cave and flashlights. Win-win. (Tom)

The Fairyland Trail in Bryce Canyon. I was continually amazed by the beautiful vistas in all directions and around every turn. The walk itself was easy, while introducing us to steady climbs and descents along wide paths with exciting steep drop-offs on one side. (At the time, I didn’t appreciate what was to come at Angels Landing, but this helped me prepare for it.) The hail storm, and the return of the hot, dry sun, just added to the excitement. (Amy K.)

This is not a direct answer because I didn't like hiking the Angels Landing but I really liked that I did it? (Rich)

The hoodoos at sunset were magical! (Janice)

Fairyland.  I liked how it wasn't crowded and it was beautiful. (Sharon)

Favorite Park?
Zion, each turn was breathtaking! (Janice)
1.       Bryce because of all of its rock formations and the humus. (Rich)

     They are all favorites for very different reasons, but I’d pick Bryce: fewer people, great hikes. (Amy


     Bryce. I expected to see Hoo Doos, but what I saw was not what I expected-spectacular.  (Tom)

      Zion.  I have a thing for pine trees.  The place is gorgeous! (Sharon)

    Biggest surprise of the trip?
      Angels Landing. I expected it to be scary, not that scary. (Tom)
Besides that I probably had the most FUN on the Ranger ride through the mud slicked “road” from Zion Camp to our van with Amanda at the wheel and arm-in-arm with Kelly? I’d say the the biggest surprise was the life-threatening “hiking the chains” part of Angels Landing hike. I was not expecting it to be quite so challenging, physically and mentally. (Amy K)

1.       How the rock formations seem to have sprung up independently. That is they were so different from one another but relatively close. (Rich)

I stayed dry in the tent ⛺️ given the massive downpour we had. (Janice)

Angels landing.  I had no idea how scary it was going to be.  I usually research an area very well before I travel, but didn't have due to getting the kids back to school and Labor Day weekend at our lake house.  I'm glad I did it but would not do it again! (Sharon)

1.       Finish this sentence – “the thing I like most about our guides was. . .”
      They were so mature! (Janice)
       their knowledge and easy going nature. (Rich)  
      that I had complete trust in them. (Amy K.)
      They all seemed to be themselves. Really cool young people. I don’t get to talk to young people much anymore. (Tom)
       was the immense knowledge that Amanda had about everything from geology to the trails and parks.  She was amazing and made the trip so much more interesting.  Chase is adorable and a gentle soul.  He was so ready to help anyone.  He gave Janice his rain coat.  He's a very nice young man. (Sharon)

One thing I learned about myself is. . .
 I need to get in better shape (Tom)
that there are tons of thrills and fun outside of my comfort zone (Amy K)
1.       You need to do things when you can even if not young anymore. When we returned we found out one of our friends passed away and he was only 57 so you need to take advantage of each day.  (Rich)
I can actually sleep in a tent! (Janice)
I'm not sure I learned anything new.  However, my love for National Parks and the west was reconfirmed. (Sharon)

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