Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sitka and Sea Kayaking Photos

On the rubber raft to head the four miles out to
go sea kayaking.  We traveled by cruise ship,
sea kayak, raft, shuttle bus, van, helicopter,
float plane, taxi, catamaran, and, or course,
on foot whilst in Alaska and BC.

The tale of the whale tail.

Thar she blows!

Carol/Maddy kayaking.

One of the bald eagles we spotted.

Salmon were jumping everywhere.  No easy
way to catch them on camera though.
Amazing sight.

Blue mussels during mid-tide.

What's up, dock?

Religious icons in a church?
Where are we, Europe?

St. Michael's

Sitka was probably the best of the three towns
for walking around in Alaska.

Our ship anchored in Sitka Bay.
It's slightly larger than the Windstar.

One of the many totem
poles in Sitka National
Historical Park.

Tell me about the rabbits, George.

The Alaska Raptor Center in
Sitka left us rapt.

Because of time, we chose not to take this hike.
Even though I really, really wanted to take the trail
and have a pleasant conversation with a grizzly.

Fly like an Eagle.

We got lucky, stumbling into a presentation by
a naturalist, along with Sitka, the rescued
bald Eagle.  Pretty cool stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your "Of Mice and Men" quote is highly inappropriate for this photo post. No one was shot, and you were definitely NOT in the Great Depression era Mid/Southwest.
Cool photos!
