Monday, March 31, 2014

Gonna Take The Time to Do Things We Never Had

We waited a bit by the ferris wheel for Julia’s friends to show up.  All in all, five made it in time to go get dinner.  Carol and I were treating them – not only did we think it important to treat them well even though their parents couldn’t come on the trip, but of course we also wanted to hear all about their perspectives of the trip.

Carol had seen a Portuguese Tapas place called Tosca, on the Waterfront, so we grabbed a table there.  She sat at one end with Julia and two of her friends, while I sat at the other end with Mark, Kim, and Bethany.  I bombarded those three with questions – where you from, school, major, favorite country so far, country you would go back to, favorite food, what do you miss most from home; an endless stream of questions.  They answered my questions patiently – they were quite happy to have really good food.

They were quite grateful to us for buying them a nice dinner at a great restaurant.  They commented on how lucky Julia was that her parents came on the parent’s trip.  I refrained from noting that we clearly love her more than their parents love them!  (It would have been a joke, but I wasn’t sure how all would take it).  They noted that they enjoyed the Shiraz much more than they usually like wine (um, that’s because I picked it out!).

Julia stayed in the Waterfront area till quite late as more SASers (Semester At Sea) joined them.  We walked back to the hotel, secure in the knowledge that we had as fun a time at dinner as we could have – it was really great to hear everyone’s stories!

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