Thursday, September 24, 2015

Got a Long Way to Go Before We Got Here

Our big Bolger family trip in 2015 means we are down to just 3 of us -- Carol, Maddy, and myself.  I writing this in our kitchen at 5:47am as the sun is just starting to glow over the mountains of Queenstown, New Zealand.
This is the view from our deck.
Taken with an iPhone6

Wait, this is the view from our deck.

No -- this is the view from our deck.  Well,
all three are our views!  Lucky us.
Top to bottom: East, South, West

Maddy is studying in Sydney, Australia for the fall semester of her junior year, and today her spring break starts (remember, it's a world turned upside down -- it's currently late winter or early spring down here, depending.)

The view here from our rental house is spectacular.  I have only taken a handful of pictures, but will post a few (or check Facebook!).  Oh there are some drawbacks to the rustic house -- it's cold and has no central heating (Maddy will be thrilled!), so I have a fire going in the beautiful stone fireplace.

Today is to be a relaxing day.  Last time I went to Australia, I was wiped out for a couple of days, so I built in some recovery time.  Flying business class and getting a good night's sleep from LA to Sydney sure helped.

The sun is now putting a red backlit glow on the mountains at the eastern end of the lake.  Gotta run out and take a picture.  More shortly.

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