Sunday, October 31, 2021

And the Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down. Down, Down In Rushing Raging Riv'lets

 As we made our way down from the castle, the rain just got heavier and heavier.  Carol and I gingerly picked our way down, cognizant of the dangerous combination of wet stone and bad knees. Fortunately neither of us wiped out.  

More street art.  This one is not actually
ruined by graffiti "artists."

We took a quick peak at Marta's direction into the cathedral, but did not go in.  Given how wet we were we were ready to keep going.  The write-ups on the Cathedral aren't exactly glowing, so we felt as though we were not missing much.

A few street more, we came to Praca do Comercio, a grand square along the river.  The square used to be the home of the royal palace until the earthquake, and is also famous for the being the location of the assassination of the last king and prince of Portugal in 1908.  We walked past the Arch of Triumph, hiding under the smaller arches providing cover from the rain.

The tour was great.  Marta really covered a lot of ground and imparted a lot of interesting information.  I'm not sure everyone is as interested in history as Carol and I are, but it was just the right amount of primer for us.  I've got Marta's What's App, in case anyone is going to Lisbon and wants a great guide.

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