Saturday, September 26, 2015

A burger and a reunion

After the hike around Moke Lake, we came back to the house (it's a only a few miles away), and I got caught up on the texts from my brother Rod on the progress of the Giants-Redskins Thursday night game (despite it being Friday afternoon in NZ!).  I tried to watch it on my NFL Network app, but I guess they block out the game on the app, or maybe overseas.

Anyhow, it was off to lunch at Fergburger -- a local institution.  It's sort of the Five Guys or In-N-Out Burger of Queenstown.   Since we were eating late, the line was not out the door, although moments later it was.  A few of the TripAdvisor reviews were unhappy with the clientele -- apparently it is a place for hoons to hang out and be boisterous. We didn't get that feel at all, although that's probably a later in the evening thing.

We got a coveted seat at the counter after ordering.  My Fergburger was delicious, while Carol had the pork belly sandwich -- which was good at the time, although perhaps not later.  Fergburger is definitely worth a stop in Qtown, if only for the atmosphere and great vibe -- a blend of skiers, boarders, families, Asian tourists, and a couple of middle aged American tourists.

After our late lunch, we headed for the airport to pick up Maddy.  Her flight was delayed longer than originally shown on the website, so we hung out in the airport and, like anyo ne else in 2015, fiddled with our smart phones.

Maddy finally made it through -- hugs all around.  After I had a losing fight with the parking pay machine (US banks need to get with the program!), I went inside to pay.  It was a much more aggravating experience than I care to write.

Our plans for a hike with Maddy were put on hold because of the lateness of her flight and the fact that the weather had turned windy and bitter cold.  Instead we came back to the house for a bit and caught up with Maddy before heading to the Blue Kanu for dinner -- a chic Asian place in the heart of Qtown.  It wasn't as good as Vknow the night before.

Tonight we're getting takeout from Pedro's House of Lamb.  The name alone requires we go.  It ranks second on TripAdvisor for Qtown restaurants.
This is me, being artistic

 They also only have one item on the menu -- a roasted shoulder of lamb served with scalloped potatoes.  Wonder what we'll be having?


Unknown said...

Sounds like a great trip and wonderful time! Enjoy?

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great trip and wonderful time! Enjoy?