Friday, October 4, 2019

Sagrada Familia -- Volume 3

After the hospital visit, we walked down the Avenue de Gaudi, which connects two UNESCO World Heritage sites.  After a stop for water and a snack, we went to the Passion facade of Sagrada Familia.  

This visit made me very happy.  We crossed the street to get a better angle on some of the higher sculptures.  Since it was later in the afternoon, the sun shone brilliantly on the facade, illuminating the sculptures and allowing for great photos.

Carol was patient with my photography, but enjoyed the game of "spot the sculpture that we had missed on earlier visits" that we ended up playing.  Not much more to write, as the photos speak for themselves (except those with a caption -- then it is the photos PLUS the captions speaking for themselves!). 

Apostle "Jacobus" is Catalan
for the Apostle James.

Tower topper

I think this is Jesus ascending to
heaven, but Carol makes the
case I must be wrong, because
it would be on the Glory facade.



The cross and the dove.

Acts of Grace

Can I get an. . .

Just absolutely brilliant work.

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