Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Candy Man Can

Our last Wednesday morning in Barcelona, we went to Casa Amatller, which is right next to Gaudi's Casa Batllo on the famed "Block of Discord."

Designed by Josep Puig i Cadafalch, it was owned by chocolatier Antoni Amatller and finished in 1900.  

There were not many of us on the tour, and we used audioguides as we were ushered from room to room.  It's not as impressive as Gaudi houses, but it is still a visually stunning house. 
Selfie across the street from Casa
Amatller and Casa Batllo.

Casa Batllo.

Casa Amatller.

Interior skylight.

The use of colored glass is spectacular.

Fireplace detail.


Not your typical doorway.

Beautiful hallway and chandelier.

Spanish tile is the best tile.

One of the ceilings.  Note the detail!

He's got my attention!

Who are you, who who?

After the tour, we were treated to chocolate
and bread.  The melted chocolate came in
a coffee cup and was perfect for dipping!

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