Saturday, April 7, 2007

Ground-breaking Post! Excited? You Should Be!

This is my first ever post via Blackberry. I think that officially marks me as a total tech geek loser blogger.

Now that I've establised I can do it, I suppose I have to write something.

We're at breakfast -- and I'm drinking warm flat water. The secret to not having cold drinks in Italy is to drink acqua frizzante (San Pellegrino, etc). That should not be w ice anyhow.

The girls would comment on the rare times they got ice for their sodas.

By the way, don't ask for more ice. Just live it. It's a cultural difference.

Also, the American preference for ice is not a sign of our cultural decline. The service of Bob Byrd in the KKK and the Senate is one such sign. Anna Nicole Smith is another. But liking ice in our drinks? Nope.

OK -- history has been made w this blackberry post, so I will sign off now and post again later.

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