Friday, April 6, 2007

Quick Post. . .

Kids slept in this morning (till 8:15), so we've just finished up breakfast and are heading to explore more of Venice on our last full day on the trip.

I'm only a day behind on the blog -- I wish I could write it in real time, because there are anecdotes that happen that I forget when I write a day or two later.

Thanks for the postive emails, and don't hesitate to leave a comment.

Venice is a fabulous city -- I loved it in 1984, and I love it now too.

I was up early this morning, both working and blogging -- should have gotten up even earlier.

Off to Murano, and then more of Venice. . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glen and family,

Sounds like a great trip. Way fun blog. Nice to see that the bad puns got their passports in time. Expect you to all be talking with your hands when you return.

See you soon.

John Passacantando