Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day on the Water

Here it is Monday morning, and I have written about Thursday, Friday, or Sunday yet. I'll knock out Friday quickly right now. It was the transit on the boat from Kusadasi to Istanbul -- 330 nautical miles.

Carol and the girls were worried my head with explode with nothing to do but wile away the hours on the boat. One day of calm and rest turned out to be fine -- and I'm glad it was at the end of the cruise, not in the beginning (which happens if you take the Istanbul to Athens direction).

I let everyone sleep let (till 9am). (You gotta admit -- for two teenagers, 9am isn't exactly sleeping late). And then we had a leisurely breakfast. Then I alternated between writing blog posts to download once we had a wireless card signal, and reading books on my Kindle.

Passing through the Dardanelles was pretty cool (mentioned in previous posts), but for the most part, a mellow day. Carol and I even watched a movie -- "Defiance" -- which is the Daniel Craig movie about the Jewish partisans in Eastern Europe during WW II. Very moving movie, and still hard to believe that was only 60+ years ago. Never again should mean never again.

We ate dinner out on the deck at the Candles restaurant. There was more menu variety at the main restaurant , but we really enjoyed the more low-key, informal dinners outside. Every so often the wind would whip out, but that's just part of the fun.

All in all, it was a good, calm day. A nice break in the middle of a busy two weeks.

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