Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Best Cab Driver

Monday was primarily a travel day – going from East (Istanbul) to West (Barcelona). We hiked down the street a ways back to Simitci for breakfast. The family that runs the place were quite happy to see us – we even sat at the same table.Breakfast was 23.50 TL (approx $18) – because we got slightly different things this time. Torie tore into her Simits pretty happily, and Julia had some tasty flaky cheese pastry dish type thing. Maddy found a muffin more to her liking than yesterday’s.

Our transfer never showed – so we took a cab. (Turns out the transfer driver got confused and went to the airport to pick us up to take us to the hotel). Our cabbie was quite the colorful Turk. Named Ishun, he even has a website entitled bestcabdriver.com – we’re going to have to check it out. He is planning to write a book, and he has been featured in many articles, on TV, and on the radio. He showed us his book of clips. He was joking and telling stories about things he’s done and people he has met.He also noted he wasn’t a Mafioso cab driver – he took us the fastest way for the cheapest fare.

(True – the hotel said it would take an hour and cost 50 TL, but it was 40 minutes and cost 36 TL. ) I tipped him very well (gave him 50 TL and took no change).

The passport control line moved very slowly, but our flight was delayed a bit. Since they barely had any seats, we had to sprawl out on the floor, eating a hastily bought bunch of snacks (and I had some dates).

Barcelona was a 3.5 hour flight – so we got in a bit before 5pm. Fortunately for all concerned, they only had two people working at passport control, so the line was both long and slow. You would not want the workers who were standing around watching to go open a few more booths, because that would have meant work on their part and would have interrupted their story telling.

I know -- we should put them in charge of health care!

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