Sunday, March 31, 2013

They Are Back -- Riffs!

Spotted a foot long lizard on the path to the beach. . .also saw geckos. . .numerous birds (limited numbers of tropical ones though). . .black goats. . .white goats. . .lots of roosters and chickens, including two dead ones, and a dead duck. . .pelicans were all over, and dined well. . .the spiny Caribbean lobster is not quite as good as Maine lobster, but cool to look at and tasty nonetheless.

Maddy thought it would be cool if the BVIans (?) accents were a mix of Caribbean and British accents. . .but it is not to be.  . .not like Bermuda where there is a British accent. . .BVI runs on American dollars. . .which is nice. . .although given the high costs of things, the “exchange rate” is essentially pegged to the British pound.

As noted earlier, driving is an interesting proposition. . .only saw one speed limit sign (20 mph). . .and no one drives that slow. . .except me. . .paid $5.13 for gas. . .seems like the local economy is largely dependent on tourism. . .so I hope that’s picking up. . .this week was certainly busy on the island. . .although you could drive outside of town and see no more than one or two cars on the road.

The number of boats we saw was amazing. . .beyond counting. . .would love to do a week on a catamaran island hopping. . .would be very cool. . .maybe someday.

My two favorite parts of the day. . .opening up the main house in the morning. . .there were eleven doors to open and let the breezes in. . and a bunch of beautiful ceiling fans to get going.  It really never got too hot in the main house. . .we did keep the air conditioning on in the bedrooms though. . .and the evening. . .when we would gather by the pool with some vino and talk. . .there was no TV in the main house (just the bedrooms). . .so that increased the conversational aspect of the trip. . .we never even turned on the TV in our room. . .a week without TV is like a week with sunshine. . .didn’t even watch the Sweet 16.
Usually, at the end of trips we've enjoyed it, but we look forward to going home. . .not this time. . .between the house, the weather, and the things to do, we could have stayed an extra week. . .except for the whole school, work, and softball thing! 
Perfect house. . .great job by William and his team to take care of us. . .very interesting guy to talk with.

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