Monday, June 6, 2022

I Didn't Expect To Blog This Trip

I usually don't blog domestic trips unless it involves grand adventure such as Jackson Hole/Yellowstone or Bryce/Zion hiking.  But we had such a great time for our 35th wedding anniversary trip to Santa Barbara that I wrote a relatively detailed travelogue for a travel group we're members of, so I decided to make modest edits to it and post it on the blog.  

I'm doing this partly because it was a great trip, and partly because my friend of more than 30 years, Charlie Leonard, blog-shamed me into blogging the trip (blog-shamed is a Googlenope -- meaning when you search for it, there are NO prior uses!  Yes, I'm famous now!  I feel like Steve Martin in The Jerk when the new phone books came in!)

Charlie has lived in Santa Barbara for the last ten years, and provided much of the advice on things to do.  Neighbor Jeff Farrah and biz partner Jim Hobart also provided suggestions for the trip.  So here's an unexpected blog for a great trip.  Santa Barbara is pretty high on our list of favorite American cities to visit. 

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