Tuesday, April 23, 2024

It's Always Worth Going To See A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

We had dinner reservations for 7:30pm, but obviously that wouldn't work with 8:30 entry tickets, so we walked the mile to the restaurant to see if we could earlier.  Well, turns out it, and most good restaurants in Padua, don't open until 7:30 or 8:00pm.

We wandered around, looking for a place to eat, but the only places open at 6pm were cheap student eats.  Normally that would be fine, but after surviving and advancing in the Scrovegni Chapel ticket tournament, we wanted a good meal.  Didn't happen.

As we were looking, we walked past a church.  A sign on the outside referenced a crucifix by Donatello, so we went into Santa Maria dei Servi.  It's a parish church, and has some amazing are.  The gothic entrance is right on the street.  

Finished by 1390 after 18 years of construction, the church is most known for the crucifix Donatello carved out of one huge piece of wood.  There is also a massive Baroque altar (insert obligatory "going for Baroque" reference here), as well as large paintings by Matteo Ghidoni.  (Don't feel bad, I've never heard of Ghidoni either).  After touring the church, we headed back out the door in our quest eat food before 8:00pm.

Dinner was fine.  We found a Tuscan-focused restaurant open in Piazza dei Signori, and had the place to ourselves for most of the time.  Apparently students eat early in Padua, while everyone else eats late.

The Donatello crucifix.

Look at the carved definition of the
muscles of Jesus -- especially his
arms and trunk.

Alas, the Baroque altar photos
did not turn out particularly well.

Just random amazing
architecture in Padua.

One of the old city gates.

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