Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Third Time's The Charm -- Glamorous Gondola Gallivanting

Carol and I had each been to Venice twice before – once as a family, and then we each went at different times – me in 1984 and Carol in 2005 on a girls’ trip.  But we had never taken a gondola (sad face!).  Me because I was a broke college student in 1984 and Carol because she can be frugal at times.  In 2007 with the family, well, the cost was way too high for a family of five.

So before this trip I vowed we would go in a gondola ride.  Now, they post the price, there’s no attempt to rip you off.  I wasn’t going to let the essentially $100 cost get in the way of something you need to do at least once in life.

We hired a gondolier right by the Rialto Bridge because I wanted to ride in a gondola under the famed Rialto Bridge.  After we went a little ways on the Grand Canal, our gondolier took us into some of the smaller canals, under low pedestrian bridges (well, there really aren’t any other kind in Venice!).

Yes, it was cool as we hoped it would be.  And everyone else in gondolas going past us had the same big happy grin on their faces.

Carol and I hope that if you go to Venice that you spring for a gondola ride.  It’s one of the best ways to sightsee in the most unique city in the world.

Besides us (well, we are the most
important part of this picture), it
also stars our gondolier and
a section of the Rialto Bridge.

There might be a better mode of transport
than a gondola, but I don't know what
that better mode is.

At the end of the trip.

Carol, when she realized I'm not so
cheap that I wouldn't spring for
a gondola ride.

A gondola is simply a chariot on water
that can transport you through the
Rialto Bridge.  Nothing special
about that!

Palazzos along the Grand Canal.

Going through the narrower canals
was pretty and incredible.  You
might say, pretty incredible!

I need a gondolier shirt for my kayaking.

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