Friday, August 7, 2009

Longing For That Good Old German Efficiency. . .Well, To An Extent!

Bolger family trip 2009 started last night (Thursday) with a slightly delayed flight out of Dulles. Unfortunately, since we were using frequent flier miles, Lufthansa decided to show us by placing us on what has to be the oldest plane in their fleet. But, hey, at least there was no leg room.

We made it to Frankfurt on time. Oddly, the Ambien that both Carol and I took had zero impact. In fact, it sort of worked as an upper. I think we’ll take two each tonight – and make mine a beer chaser. Carol didn’t sleep at all, the kids slept a little, and I got two blocks of nearly an hour of sleep before my next door neighbor poked me awake for a stroll and a trip to the restroom.

The surprising part of getting off the flight in Frankfurt (yes, Germany – where they do things right, even if they don’t always do the right thing) is that you have to walk upwards of one half mile until you come to an electric sign board listing flights, times, and gates. The other inefficient part is that you turn left to get to gates A1-A14, right to get to gates A15-26, and left to gates A27-A40. Failure to number sequential makes it harder to be sure you are going the right direction – either in the Frankfurt Airport OR on the Russian front.

We found the gate through good old American perseverance and pluck (okay, so maybe I’m overdramatizing it!). Shockingly, when it came time to line up, there was no orderly queue as in England or even American airports. Instead, it was a mob scene (the DNC immediately issued a press release claiming the mob scene was a bunch of extremist who were paid by lobbyists). If Lufthansa can’t even get people to line up for a flight, what hope do we have for the rest of the world? Fortunately, we did sleep most of the way between Frankfurt and Athens. Hot dog!


RB said...

Americans are quickly catching up in terms of chaotic non-lines at airport gates

RB said...

like that 'do things right' line!