Friday, August 9, 2013

Born on the Bayeaux

On our way back from Mont St. Michel yesterday, we stopped in Bayeux to do laundry (which is always a key moment for Carol!).  What a great town!  Narrow streets, shops and restaurants spilling all over, a beautiful river peeking through the middle of it.  We got lucky and found a parking space three blocks from the Cathedral, and a half block from the launderette (packing for 13 days would be too much, and paying hotel prices for laundry is nuts!).

We explored the town, having decided to eat there.  We went into the Cathedral, which is nearly as massive as Notre Dame.  The stone carvings over the archways were amazing, and the light through the stained glass danced on the paintings and the walls.  It was just a neat place to find.  We did not get to the tapestries (on the agenda for today), partly because we didn't want to Louvre it (rush through). 

It's only ten or fewer kilometers from our hotel, so we'll hit there again -- maybe for dinner tonight with Julia.  Torie found a very good restaurant not far from the Cathedral, and we ate well -- as well as relatively affordably. 

After dinner, we drove back to the hotel (an iffy proposition, since there is no actual address for the hotel that works on the GPS -- but now we just put in the nearby town and find it).  We had picked up a bottle of wine, some foie gras, and a baguette to have back at the hotel.  They wouldn't let Carol and I eat it at the outside tables or even on the lush lawn because they didn't want their restaurant patrons watching us eat our own food (Yes, it's as nuts as it sounds).  So we took it to the swimming pool area, enjoyed an '09 Bordeaux, and watched the sun go down till 9:30.  (It gets dark here at this time of year around 9:45!).

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