Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Riffs from France

My French is terrible. . .I have zero facility for foreign language. . .but at least I have some modest Spanish facility (which means slight Italian). . .but the French of yesteryear would have hated me. . .now they just want my money. . .so they put up with it. . .and Carol/the girls are better with the language, although they are Spanish-speakers, and French is not in their wheelhouse.

So, time for my first rant of the trip about how the Euro has ruined affordable travel in Europe. . .in 1984, after buying my train ticket, I had $20 per day to make my way. . .obviously, with a family of four (with Julia making it five on the 10th of August) it can't be that cheap. . .plus we are in Paris. . .but everywhere we go in Europe, lunch isn't affordable. . .and nor is dinner. . .boy I miss the affordable days.

The service here has been great. . .even in the restaurants people are generally responsive. . .the hotel folks are wonderful. . .and the free connector bus route was well-staffed with volunteers to point the way and answer questions.

Shockingly, we are on our third day in France and we've only had some Rose wine. . .don't want to drink wine at lunch and sleep away the afternoon. . .and the restaurants we are going to aren't high end (just high priced!). . .finally found a wine shop and bought some bottles. . .probably won't have till Normandy. . .instead of Go West Young Man!, open a wine shop in Paris, young man!

Time for the biennial ice rant. . .I know it's from the days in the '50s, 60,s 70s, and even '80s when fridges were small and electricity was expensive. . .but live a little now!  More than zero or one piece of ice in a drink won't break you. . .yes, we are Americans and love our ice. . .guilty as charged. . .but guilty for a reason!  At least the water is generally chilled when served. . .and every place sells/has sparkling water on the menu.

Strange how little entrepreneurship there is here.  In Spain and Italy, there are ice cream vendors on many street corners. . .very few water sellers/ice  cream, others on the streets.

Don't misunderstand me. . .these riffs are not complaints (well, ice and Euros are), just observations.  Enjoying Paris a great deal. . .some of the best parts isn't the sights or museums (although all good). . .but just walking down the street and seeing street life.

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