Sunday, August 11, 2013

D-Day Tour Photos

Okay, so I added a bunch of photos.  They are not in tour order.  Hard to choose just a few:
The Church at Saint Mere Eglise, with the replica
of the paratrooper Steele stuck on the steeple.

The window in the church,
with paratroopers serving
as angels from heaven.
(Click on the photo to enlarge,
they are easier to see)

German bullet marks in a fence.  We know they
were German because the trajectory was at the sky.

Outside the church.

Utah Beach memorial

Utah Beach at nearly high tide.

The church at Angoville an Plain

Sorry, the stained glass windows
of WWII have to be included.

Damage from an unexploded
German mortar in the church 

German gun emplacement at Omaha Beach,
as Francis awaits our arrival.

Flamethrower damage at Pointe du Hoc

Carol and Glen at Pointe du Hoc
Nancy and Ron at Pointe du Hoc
(this was Francis' good idea) 
The tide going out at Omaha Beach
Francis leads the way.

The American cemetary

Torie, climbing out of a German gun emplacement.

Above Omaha Beach, our own private view.

Utah Beach

The girls of Pointe du Hoc

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