Saturday, March 30, 2019

A Walk In The Park

We were meeting our guide at 10 am at the hotel.  We were up early, had breakfast, and had some time to kill.  I was getting antsy, so we went for a walk through Kowloon Park, which was right outside our 12th story floor.  (The hotel not only skips floor 13, but also 14 -- I wonder what the superstition is involved with that!)

So we walked around the park early Saturday morning, watching various groups of people doing Tai Chi.  The park has fountains, and birds, and a beautiful sculpture garden.  It was a nice relaxing way to start the trip, especially after last night's drama!

Saturday in the park.  It wasn't the Fourth of July.

They don't mess around with their
fountains.  Notice how high the
water goes.

One of the characters on comic book row.

Another, with our hotel in the background.

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