Saturday, March 30, 2019

Into the Heart of Kowloon

The bus wound its way through Kowloon, leaving the busy harbor area and winding its way back into the neighborhoods where people live in huge housing estates.  Fully 35% of Hong Kong residents live in public housing -- clean, but cramped apartments that rise to the sky.

(So, what are residents of Hong Kong called?  Hong Kongites?  Hong Kongians? Hong Kongonians?  Well, beats me, so I will stick with "residents of Hong Kong.")

We hopped off the bus outside of one estate, and we walked through it.  Bill marveled at the lack of crime, graffiti, and how each one has its own small markets. There is laundry hanging out to dry of many windows, and we went through markets, with little shops, restaurants, and even hardware stores.  One of the more interesting little shops is one that sells clothes and good made solely out of paper.  The purpose of the paper goods is to be burned at a funeral -- there's little cars, houses, furniture, sneakers, etc.  It was a tradition I had never heard of!

Anyhow, as we snaked our way through the estate, past shops and little restaurants, Carol and I noted to each other that there is no way we would have done this on our own.  Bill provided a great deal of context for us (I won't repeat it all here. . .suffice it to say it was interesting and if you want to know more, come to Hong Kong and hire Bill!).

Then Bill took us to an unusual spot.  The top deck of a parking garage that had basketball courts and had become an Instagram hangout spot. Apparently it is a chic place to Instagram from, as many young Asians were there taking pictures with the colorful apartment buildings in the background.  It's a bit strange that this has caught on!

Sorry the photos are a bit washed out.  Not the best sky for photos this first day, and I don't have a photo editor on this burner laptop.
Massive Banyan tree.

Clothing hung out to dry.

Apparently you can live in public housing
and still own expensive cars.

Paper goods to burn at a funeral.

Alas, shark fins.

Trendy Instagram spot.

More apartment building up the hill.


Anonymous said...

This is a cool info! Definitely a need to-read and an eye-opener!
It definitely helped me thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Thanks a lot for the article!

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I hope my fans will enjoy your writing too. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Τhat's a great info! Ꮢeally a should-read and a discovery!
Thiѕ seriously helped me thanks so much.