Tuesday, January 31, 2023

A Magnificent Vista

After exiting the pyramid, the group met back up with Sam (many people on the tour did not go up the pyramid, which, given that Carol and I might be the second and third youngest on the tour, is a smart decision by many) and we proceeded to walk most of the way around the base.  

The entry to the pyramid is on the north side, to face the North star.  As we walked around to the east side, we saw the Queens’ pyramids (one in good shape, one in so-so shape, and one not so much).  

Sam also filled us in on the ships that were found, believed buried by the pyramids to fly the Pharaoh through the sky each morning and then back again at night.

After making it to the south side of the Pyramid, we reboarded the bus and drove to the best overlook of the Pyramids of Giza.

We did group photos, and then Carol and I passed on the chance to ride a camel.  We had each done a camel ride in the Northern Territory of Australia, and neither felt the need to do it again 34 years later.  Neither of us are naturals at horseback riding.  Given that, we learned we are even worse at camel riding.  Neither of us wanted to relive the bruising of the legs we earned in Oz.  

While others, including Neil and Mary, headed off to ride the camels, we wandered around the overlook plateau, taking photos of the pyramids, watching the stray dogs (none of whom were in ill health), and generally marveling at the view.

Tired camels

I bet Napoleon wasn't photo-bombed
when he visited the pyramids!

Classic Pyramid Pose #1

Classic Pyramid Pose #2

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