Tuesday, January 31, 2023

First Photos From Cairo

Alas, WordPress has flipped the order of the photos again -- happens every so often.

The Odyssey Group at the Giza Pyramids

The Pyramid of Khafre

The burial location of the large
"ship" that transported the 
Pharaoh across the sky. 

One of the Queen's pyramids.

The Great Pyramid

Upstairs at the Great Pyramid.  It's a struggle
to get there, but I made it.  Carol breezed
up the steep, tight spaces.

This was the easier part of the climb,
as I could actually stand up here.

Carol in the Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid.  And the sun.

A Mastaba of some important
administrator to Ramesses II.

First view of the Great Pyramid

Our first view of the Nile in
sunlight, from our hotel balcony.

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