Saturday, January 30, 2016

Empty Nest, But No Grass Growing Under Our Feet

Fast ice

Seals on our left, ship on our right.

The ship actually moved.  And by
"actually" I mean, "not a chance."

When we're older, we'll still hopefully be
able to remember the name of the ship.

The light of my life.

We aimed the kayak right at the iceberg.
Unlike the Titanic, we didn't sink.
(We cheated -- avoided hitting it!)

Basking in our stupidity post-polar plunge!

These whale ribs look like tombstones.
In a way, I suppose they are.

This Gentoo had to get to.

The penguin got tired of posing.

We flew the penguin flag proudly.

Carol toasting with whiskey on the zodiac.

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