Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tripping the Light Fantastic

We had one night of clear skies, leading to the most spectacular sunset I’ve ever seen.  Fire and ice.  Some photos are down below, but that barely scratches the surface.  The interplay of sunset and ice and water were like nothing I’d ever seen before.  At points the whole sky was red, as was the water.

The mountains and huge icebergs behind us took on a stunning red/pink glow, providing us with an Alpenglow show at the end of the world.

Early on in the light show, the captain came on the announcement system and essentially ordered anyone in bed already to get outside and see this fantastic sunset.  He was just as excited about the sunset as all of us were – and that’s a great quality to have in an expedition ship captain.

Then, as it got dark around 11:30, a full moon started rising, and it was beautifully reflected in the water.  I toyed with the idea of staying up a couple more hours (or less) for the sunrise, but we had already had a full day, and there were more adventures awaiting the next day.

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