Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Pizza and Frizzante Save The Day

In order to recover from my weakened state, I needed water, and I needed food.  Posthaste.

In hopes of finding life-sustaining gelato, we crossed (slowly) the amazing Duomo Piazza.  We went into the stunning Victor Emmanuel Gallerie. 

Right off the Piazza next to the Duomo, it is the most impressive shopping mall I've ever seen.  By a factor of hundreds.  

The Gallerie.

Built between 1865 and 1877, it is named after the first king of the Kingdom of Italy.  It is a four story double arcade, and they don't build them like this anymore.  It has an amazing glass dome at the intersection of the four wings, and the whole thing is a sight to be seen.

Had I been feeling better, I
would have taken more pictures.
But this will have to do!

The line for the gelato store was quite lengthy, so we continued on, making a right turn.  Carol, who took great care of me that day, was looking for a restaurant with air conditioning.  Not much luck, until we found a small pizza place.  There were no seats, but there was pizza by the slice. 

It wasn't particularly good pizza, but between getting some food and having more water, I started feeling much better.  I couldn't eat the whole slice of pizza (not because it wasn't very good, although that was a factor), but I felt much better.  

We walked back across the Piazza where I felt good enough to take some selfies.

The Duomo.  The people
wouldn't get out of my
way for a clean picture.

Mussolini gave speeches
from this balcony.  
What a loser.

Sculpture by our parking garage.

I'm smiling here, which is 
better than passing out.

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