Wednesday, August 3, 2022

A Lunch Stop In Lago d'Orta

After the winery tour, we headed to Lago d’Orta, a much smaller lake than Maggiore.  On the other hand, it is also very picturesque, tucked in amongst mountains with views to the Alps in the north.

And, there’s an island and cute town, Orta San Guilio.  We parked at the top of the town, walking down to find a restaurant.  We weren’t there for anything by lunch and views, and that’s what we found.  The restaurant was the worst we ate at in Italy, but it still suited our purposes.  Pressed into a little courtyard between three buildings, it had no actual views of the lake or mountains, but we were famished, so we weren’t picky.

After lunch, we ambled down to the lakeside to admire the views, the town market, and the various comings and goings.

Carol wanted to do one more load of laundry in Stresa, so we hiked back up the hill to the car and headed out.

After some time working at the hotel, including a couple of Zoom calls, we went into Stresa, did laundry, wandered around people-watching, looking at shops, and picking out potential restaurants.  When we went back to our first choice at 8pm, we got nixed because we had no reservations.  We were able to be seated at our second choice, and the food was delicious.  After having toured the Travaglini Gattinara winery that morning, we shared another bottle of that.

Our time in Italy was coming to an end, but we had enough time to sit on our balcony at the Villa & Palazzo Aminta (It’s a villa AND palace all in one!) and marvel at the night views.

In the movie from the 1950s,
the church bells are pealing
loudly from the steeple.

Lago d'Orta, part of the town,
 and part of the island.

The island.

More mountains
surrounding Lago 

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