Monday, August 1, 2022

Food Adventures In Italy

Every dinner we ate in Italy was fantastic.  We were uncharacteristically lazy and ate three dinners at the hotel's terrace.  The food was so good, and the commute back to our room consisted of a four story elevator ride.  So that was hard to argue with.

The only thing I didn't like is that they didn't relax their dress code for the 95 degree days.  For breakfast you could wear shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals.  I drew the line at a t-shirts, but did wear my Oofos (most comfortable footwear ever invented!) and shorts to breakfast.  

The first night at dinner I showed up in shorts and Oofos and was forced to go back to my room and change.  They enforced the long pants and shoes/sneakers despite the unprecedented heat wave.  So I changed, came back, and then watched some guy wearing a Carhartt t-shirt and jeans be seated.  So classy!

Anyhow, Tuesday night we had reservations at Lo Stornello, smack in the middle of downtown Stresa. 

Lo Stornello is a Michelin Plate restaurant.  And it was fabulous.  I had raviolis with shrimp in them for the first course.  I'm not good at remembering to take pictures of my food, but trust me, the presentation was first class.  My second course were perfect lamb chops. Carol enjoyed her gnocchi first course and beef second course.

They have a great wine list, including wines from the winery we were visiting the next day (Wednesday).  

By the way, the restaurant we ate on another side street in Stresa at Wednesday was also quite tasty.

However, any mention of a meal in Italy needs to include the lunch we had at the top of Mount Mottarone on Sunday.  The charcuterie plate (highlighted in an earlier post) was simply amazing.  No matter where we ate, we were winners.

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