Thursday, August 4, 2022

A Fitting Coda To The Trip

After leaving the Anne Frank House and Museum, we didn’t say much, lost in our own thoughts about what we had seen.

We stopped at a wine/spirits store to get one last bottle of wine to have on the patio after dinner.

After dropping the wine off at the Canalboat, the next stop was dinner at the Café Toussaint, a half block from the boat.  We had drinks there Thursday night and loved the place, so it made sense to go there for our final dinner of the trip.

We had a healthy sized order of marinated olives as an appetizer, and also each ordered mussels.  There were so many mussels that we could have split one order; neither of us could finish it.  It seemed like for each mussel we ate, two magically replaced the recently consumed one.

Carol wondered aloud why mussels in Europe are tastier than mussels in America.  I have no answer.

We went back to the boat, had the wine, and enjoyed the ending to the evening.  

The next morning, the trip back to the Dulles Airport and the States was pretty uneventful.

Until next time, thanks for reading! 

Our canal at dusk. . .
peaceful and serene.

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