Sunday, November 13, 2022

I Went to Barcelona And My Mind Got Changed

So, we decided to squeeze in a trip between the election and Thanksgiving.  We are spending eight nights in what has to be our favorite large city in the world, Barcelona.

The opening lyrics of Rosanne Cash's song, "Modern Blue" is "I went to Barcelona on a midnight train." Another lyric is "Oh I went to Barcelona and my mind got changed."  That's how Carol and I feel about Barcelona.

(We didn't take a midnight train.  Instead we flew Washington Dulles to London Heathrow to Barcelona).

Faithful readers of the blog are probably tired of my constant references back to the 32 night trip we took to Barcelona in 2019, less than six months later the world turned upside down.  It's the best trip we've ever taken.  So when the opportunity to get an eight night stay at a two bedroom apartment with six of the nights free came available, I grabbed it.  

Our friends Don and Jennifer Minnis are joining us for six nights.  They spent a week with us here in Barcelona in 2019 during our month, and they loved the city as much as we did.  

In 2019 we rented an apartment in Barceloneta, a half mile from the Mediterranean Sea, and right at the edge of Barri Gotic and El Born neighborhoods.  This time we are on Passeig de Gracia in the Gracia neighborhood.  We are one block north of Gaudi's masterpiece, Casa Battlo, and one block south of Gaudi's masterpiece, Pedrera Casa Mila.

(Editor's Note: Is there anything built by Gaudi that is not a masterpiece?  Blogger: No.)

Barcelona is an incredibly walkable city.  We've been here a day and a half, and I've already got 37,000 steps in that time.  

If it's not clear already, we're thrilled to be back.  

P.S.: The elections didn't go the way I would have liked, but if this is the beginning of the end of Donald Trump's hold on the GOP, then it will be long-term gain (for the country and the party) in return for short-term pain.

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