Tuesday, November 22, 2022

You're Looking Swell, Dali

And even more photos from the Dali museum, including the outside:

"The Persistance of Memory," Dali's
most famous painting.  I always thought
it was called "Melted Clocks" for some
reason.  Editor: You probably think that
because of, well, the melted clocks!

Weird dude.
Cool photo.

Back outside.

Dali had a fascination with eggs.

Church tower outside the museum.

JAUS -- Just Another
Unusual Sculpture.

"They put bread in my jar
and say 'man, what are you
doing here?'"

I suppose someone egged
Dali on to do this one.

The guy on top is really tired!
(Get it?  Look at the base!)

Interesting sculpture.

Unique building.

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