Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Photos From Santa Maria del Mar

This is a bummer -- it seems the blog program is loading all photos backwards -- latest one at the top, earliest one at the bottom.  I'm not going to take the time to move them all around.  Alas, some aspects of the story-telling will be messed up.  I've contacted the company to see if there is a way to stop this from happening.  It's a tech company, so I don't expect an answer, or at least an answer I can understand!

Gargoyle on Santa Maria del Mar.
Rainspout is perfectly placed.

The eternal flame to the victims of fascism.

The front.

Love the two towers.

The Rose window.

The ship, Mary, and young Jesus.

A close-up of the ship on the church altar.

There is reno work being
done to the left.

At the church entrance.

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