Friday, November 18, 2022

Still The Most Beautiful Hospital In The World

Carol and I went to Hospital de Sant Pau in 2019 the day Don and Jennifer ended their week-long stay and headed back stateside.  Thus, they had never been, so I wanted their trip to begin with a bang -- a visit to a Modernisme masterpiece, the most beautiful hospital in the world.

Go ahead, scoff at the sobriquet, but see the pictures below and you will start to believe.  Visit and you will know it is true.  Don and Jennifer were blown away by it.

Built from 1901 to 1930, it is a UNESCO World Heritage sight, the largest complex built in the art nouveau style.  

(Editor's Note: Yes, we know -- "'UNESCO' means you must go!"  Blogger: In my defense, we've seen UNESCO World Heritage sites all over the world, and only one has been '"meh."  The rest are either spectacular or jaw-dropping.  Editor: There's a difference?)

Built by Catalan architect Lluis Domenech i Montaner, it was a working hospital until 2009.  Some buildings are still used for health care research.  The roots of the hospital date back to 1401.  However, te grandeur of the buildings are purely from the hand and mind of Domenech.  He died in 1923, so his son finished the project.

(Odd historical footnote -- Gaudi ranks as the top Modernisme architect, with Domenech an impressive second.  They both died at age 73.)

The main Administration building is the most stunning of the 26 buildings, but the entire complex, taken together, is incredible.  They don't build like this anymore, and the world is worse off for it.  I could continue on, writing in a glowing fashion, but instead I will let the pictures tell most of the story.  It will seem like a lot of photos (because the place is spectacular), but I also left many out that I could have included.

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