Monday, November 28, 2022

Bar Boqueria For The Win!

After Palau Guell, we weren't hungry for lunch yet, so we wandered through Plaza Real and down to the Basilica de la Merced, taking narrow alleys all the way.  In 2019, just across from the church, there had been a large apartment for sale.  Carol was curious, after COVID, if it had sold yet.

Fountain in Plaza Real

Rando alley connecting
Plaza Real with the
Church of Mercy.

The Basilica of la Merced.

There's a famous statue on top of the church.  Building began on a Gothic church in 1290.  By 1335, three chapels had been built.  In 1767 the church was demolished and replaced with the Italian Baroque
that stands there today.  We had gone in during our tour day of 15 minute churches.  Carol was too deflated from her condo being sold that she had no interest in going back in the church.  Instead we rested in the square and enjoyed some water and a snack.

The majestic statue of Mary and
Jesus on top of the church is
from 1888.  It is a sight to behold.

Neptune and his trident look at
the church while he reigns over
a fountain.

The tiles on the roof is quite ornate.
Note the carved crown at the
bottom of the photo.

A close-up of the tiles.

To her credit, Carol talked me into going back to La Boqueria to take a shot at getting a much tastier and happier lunch than the day before, when we got redirected away from Bar Central into their cruddy restaurant in the back.  We also figured it would be easier getting bar seats for two rather than four.

Bar Central was full, which I was fine with, as I didn't like the way they bait and switched the four of us on Friday.  Some other counters were also full, but when we came to Bar Boqueria the scales fell from my eyes (yes, it's a bit of a stretch to use an Apostle Paul reference here) and I remembered this was the other bar we had eaten at in La Boqueria. . .and it had been fantastic.

Carol grabbed one stool.  There were no other openings.  I stood behind her and reached across to start eating when the food came.  Suddenly, people next to her left, so I was able to get a seat.

The food was fabulous.  Padron Peppers, Octopus, and a large plate of Jamon with pan con tomate (bread smeared with tomato -- it's amazing when done right!).  Carol had earned her sangria, and I earned my cerveza.  
Padron Peppers.  Typically the
Russian Roulette of Peppers,
we didn't a single hot spicy
on this trip.  A bummer, but
the non-hot ones do taste great.

Nothing finer than Iberico
jamon and pan con tomato.  

Octopus on potato.  It doesn't get much better.

I talked a bit with the dad and his 20 & 23 year old daughters .  One was doing her study abroad, and dad/older sis were here visiting her.  They didn't know what to order, so I advised to get the same things we got -- and they were loving it.  I also recommended they go to Cal Pep, El Xampanyet, and Vasos de Oro for dinners.  They were quite excited by my descriptions of the restaurant, so I hope they were able to get to them.  I have to believe that even today, they are saying, "man, we sure were lucky to run into that guy from Virginia and get his restaurant recommendations!"

On the way out, I stopped for three more oysters.  I was in La Boqueria heaven.

Fully sated, we walked back home so we (mostly Carol) could pack for the early wake-up in the morning.
Two more Modernisme photos
from buildings at Plaza

And one last daylight Gaudi photo of the 
stormtrooper chimneys on La Pedrera

We had two more things planned -- the nighttime experience at La Pedrera and dinner.  And then it was to bed and back to the States.  

1 comment:

Tihan said...

The great content I have seen will be very useful to us, I am grateful.