Monday, November 14, 2022

Best Laid Plans

So the goal for Saturday night, our first night, was to go Dr. Stravinsky, list as one of the 50 cocktail bars in the world by some publication, for a pre-dinner drink and, at the same time, increase our all important coolness quotient, and then go to Bar Ramon, a highly-touted tapas bar.

We took the Metro to Jaume 1, which was one of the stops we used the most in 2019, and wound our way through Barri Gotic to Dr. Stravinsky.  It was great to be back wandering the narrow streets, turning left and right, passing by others going out for the evening.  Have I mentioned Barcelona is magical?  Well I haven't said it, it sure is magical.  And, if I HAVE said it, it sure is magical,

There was a line outside to get in.  We waited patiently in line for a time, and then we lost patience.  So we wandered around, and found a back-up bar to grab a drink at in Placa de les olles, We had a lunch at that bar, Cellar de la Ribera back in 2019.  

I was drifting off to sleep when Carol made the command decision for us to eat there.  We called and cancelled our reservtion at Bar Ramon. I had been looking forward to going there -- a place new to us, but Carol made the right call.  After dinner we went back to the apartment and crashed for the night.


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