Monday, November 21, 2022

Random Photos From The Trip

There are three kinds of photos in this post:

1.    Pictures from Mrs. Iron Tourist's iPhone that are pretty good and I should have posted with articles I wrote, but since they are not from the photo roll, I forgot.

2.    Various selfies/pictures taken by Carol or Don of various groups of us.

3.    Random photos that I took in passing.  They don't belong in any specific post either, but I like them, so here they are.

Light streaming into Sagrada Familia.
Photo by Carol Farquhar.

Don Minnis photo of us
in front of the hospital

Don and Jennifer, in
front of the hospital.

Selfie, hospital.  To be fair to the
Photographer, he was blinded by the sun. 

Carol took this in the middle
of Sant Pau Hospital

Carol took this from behind
the altar at Santa Maria del Mar.

Casa Amatller

Ornate window balcony
on Casa Amatller.

St. George and the Dragon on a
building on the lowest part of
the Block of Discord.

Angry dragon.

Just a random tiled
decoration on a 
Barcelona building.

Sunset from our balcony.

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