Monday, November 28, 2022

My Trip Thoughts

Well, you already might know my thoughts pretty well, after all I've sprinkled them throughout the blog. But, since I'm on the last posts of the blog, I thought I would jot a couple down.

I have to believe, sight to see per person living in Barcelona, that city has the best ratio of sights to see per person of any city in the world.  It seems like there is something amazing around every turn and down every narrow street.  

Gaudi is one reason for it.  Carol and I hit seven Gaudi buildings (including Parc Guell) during the week, whilst Don and Jennifer made it to three.  While Sagrada Familia is the most spectacular of them all, if you go to Barcelona and skip his houses, you are shortchanging yourself of the most spectacular architecture.

No two of Gaudi's creations are alike.  Some have straight lines, some only curvy lines.  His use of colored glass and colored tile (both whole and smashed) is like nothing we've ever seen (it's not the royal "we" -- I'm referring to both Carol and Glen -- partly because its true and partly so I could sneak the third person reference to myself in this post).  The chimneys on the rooftops are the most imaginative creations on a roof ever.  The carved wood is beautiful.  The chandeliers are artistic.  I could continue, but just go see it for yourselves!

Sagrada Familia isn't the only cathedral to see, and the churches (led by Santa Maria del Mar, or course) are inspiring.  I will say, Sagrada Familia aside, pound for pound you'll see more stunning churches in other European cities.  The fountains, whether they be large or small, are worth seeing.  I'm not sure I can think of another major city in Europe where it is so easy to walk to the beach (maybe in Croatia?).  

And the topper are the restaurants.  Cramming into a tapas bar for a meal is about the best way to eat in the world.  And, the beauty of tapas is, you aren't just limited to one main course.  Instead you get to taste an explosion of flavors because of the small plates.  Eating in Barcelona (well, to be fair, all of Spain) is a joy.

If you are thinking about going to Barcelona, don't hesitate to contact me -- I can send you plenty of great info to get you started.  And, of course, this blog is a great resource too!

Yes, I pretty much love every place we've traveled overseas, but Barcelona ranks as number one.

If you think Mr. and Mrs. Iron Tourist are totally in the tank for Barcelona, you are right.  

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