Monday, November 14, 2022

Picasso Museum Photos

For some idiotic reason, a 
security guard chased us off
from here.  Imagine that, a photo
in a public space.  What a jerk.

On the last few trips, every so often, the
photos load backwards in order.  As did
happen on this post.  Anyhow, this is a 
courtyard in one of the mansions that
make up the museum.

I think this is from Picasso's Cubist period,
but this could be his Surrealism period.

Give him credit, he tried
many different painting styles.

I didn't like many of the more modern pieces
back during our 2009 visit to the museum, 
but I'm definitely more draw to them now.

His blue period.

This is called "The Dwarf."  Terrible
name for it -- it should be called
"The Pissed Off Dwarf." 

First Communion, starring his
sister and father.  An early
successful painting.

I believe Picasso painted this
at age 13.  Not too shabby.

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