Monday, November 14, 2022

It's A Big Wide World With A Million Shades of Modern Blue

In 2019, I had made lists of things we wanted to do in each Barcelona neighborhood.  The Picasso Museum, which we had visited in 2009, was on the list.  We never made in 2019, partly because I had been underwhelmed in 2009.  It wasn't high on Carol's priority list either, and at some point the trip had slipped away without getting.

(Editor's Note: "Some point" would have to be the end of the trip, no?)

So it really was to be first stop on our first full day, Sunday.  We had 10:00 am tickets, right when it opened.  This time we walked from the hotel -- it was a bit over a mile, so a good way to start the trip.

The museum is housed in a series of interconnected mansions on the narrow pedestrian street of Carrer Montcada, one of the coolest streets in Barcelona (it's a long list of cool streets).

This time, I enjoyed his more modern paintings more than I expected.  His blue period and much of his work after that was fascinating to me.  Am I becoming a fan of modern art?  Goodness, I hope not, but I didn't hate what I was seeing.  

After a while we were both getting dehydrated and getting a bit dazed with hangover from the trip the previous day, along with the usual "overstay in an art museum" glazed eyes.  We were also doing the "art museum stagger."

It was time to get out.  We actually covered most of the museum before bailing, so it was successful visit.  Heck, we even listened to much of the audioguide!    

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