Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Great Walk, Unspoiled

Barcelona is both sprawling and compact.  It's a very walkable city, and if you want to see a further out attraction or eat at a restaurant not in the central core, you can get close by Metro and easily walk to your goal.

Here's my miles per day for the trip:

Saturday 11/12:                     7.2 miles (even with an international flight)
Sunday 11/13:                    10.61 miles
Monday 11/14:                     7.96 miles (thanks for rounding-up Fitbit, not!)
Tuesday 11/15:                     8.64 miles
Wednesday 11/16:              10.88 miles
Thursday 11/17:                 10.59 miles
Friday 11/18:                        7.64 miles
Saturday 11/19:                  10.22 miles

That's a total of 73.74 miles in eight days, or an average of 9.22 miles per day.  Not bad for a 60 year old with a bad ankle and a bum knee!

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