Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ma-dread Strike Again, But It Gets Better

After running out of gas touring the overcrowded art museums of El Prado and Reina Sofia, it was time to get lunch.  So we bid farewell to Beatriz and struck out to find lunch, which we pretty much struck out at.

Everyone who has ever been to Madrid, or thought about going, will tell you NOT to get lunch at a restaurant in Plaza Mayor.  You'll really stamp yourself as a tourist that way!  

We didn't want to eat at any of the touristy restaurants just outside of the museum, so we headed to Calle de Jesus, along with being noted for its tapas restaurants, is not too far away.  Well, I don't know what's going on in Madrid, but very few places are open at lunchtime.  And those that are, are packed.  Standing room only at a time when we needed to sit. 

So we continued along Calle de Jesus.  Nine out of ten restaurants were not open until dinner, which means the every open restaurant we came to was impossible to get seated at.  Eventually we came to Plaza Mayor, where we knew we could get a seat.  And so we did.

And you know what?  The food was pretty good.  We had croquetas that were quite tasty, good Padron Peppers, and so-so jamon and melon.  It was after 3pm and we needed to just sit and relax.  My cerveza and Carol's sangria helped us chill a bit.  

Plaza Mayor selfie

After lunch, we walked back to the hotel and napped for a while, hoping that our least favorite city in Europe would take a turn for the better.  And it would.

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