Thursday, April 27, 2023

There Are Some Redeeming Qualities To Twitter, Especially Joaquin Sorolla

Several years ago, Carol came across an art Twitter account dedicated to the works of the Spanish impressionist Joaquin Sorolla (1863-1923).  Neither of us had heard of him before, but we were both drawn to his work.

(Editor's Note: What, did his work not include paintings of "fat, dead Spanish princes and their fat, dead horses?"  Writer's Note: Exactly.  His work made a positive impression on me.  Editor's Note: Sigh.)

So when I found out there is a Sorolla museum in Madrid, we made sure to go see it.  After lunch, we walked through Plaza Mayor (always a pleasant thing to do) to Plaza del Sol (usually pleasant, except when it is under reconstruction as it is now undergoing) and caught the Metro four stops to Iglesia.  It was the furthest out of city centre that we had ever been whilst still in the city.  We walked about four pleasant, tree-lined blocks to the museum.

(Side note: Art Twitter is the best Twitter.  Nobody trolls art twitter.  In fact, the rankings go:

1.  Art Twitter

2.  Travel Twitter

3.  Sports Twitter

4.  News Twitter

576. Political Twitter)

Formerly his house, the museum is stunningly beautiful.  First you are hit with the wonderful scents of the large beautiful garden and the relaxing sound of running water in the various fountains.  One of the fountains (picture below) is one of the most beautiful garden fountains we have ever seen.  The rooms of the house are all quite spacious, and there are some rooms furnished as they were when he lived there from 1911 until his death in 1923.

(Editor's Note: Based on what I've read, you can call it his "untimely" death, and yet you don't?  Writer's Note: Is there such a thing as a "timely death?"  Editor: Touche!)

Anyhow, we both really enjoyed the museum, and then spent some time afterward taking in the stunning garden.  What did we learn from this?  There IS an art museum in Madrid that I can go to and not wish I were doing something else, such as being in Barcelona instead!).  Meanwhile Carol is just happy I had no reason to whine.

Afterwards we took the Metro back to near our hotel, and celebrated with churros con chocolate at the famed Chocolateria Valor and spent time people watching.  The cafe life is great, having a drink and watching people go by, but the Chocolateria life is just as good.

(Editor's Note: "Chocolateria Valor" would be a great name for a rock band.  Writer's Note: I wish "Chocolateria" preceded the names of stores in the U.S. -- it just sounds like they sell tasty stuff that includes chocolatey goodness -- and they do!)

Churros con chocolate.  I rarely post
food photos, but c'mon people, it is 
churros!  With liquid chocolate!

We both are big Sorolla fans.

I guess you could say
I'm "drawn" to his art.

A striking window.

So this is a stunning fountain.
Note the tiles, the multiple
streams of water shooting into 
the main stream, the elevated
fountain toward the back,
and the geraniums along
the side.  Wow.

A fountain in the courtyard 
of his house/museum.

A Sorolla fan by some of the
beautiful tiles of his garden.

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