Saturday, April 29, 2023

Photos From The Cathedral of Toledo

Sorry I don't remember what all of these are, but enjoy!  Alas, every so often, as with this, the blog puts the photos backwards, not in order.  This is one of those times.

Incredible painting of leaves. . .

a lamb. . .and,

Well, Javi kindly reached out
to tell me I had captioned this wrong.
Interestingly, I had checked it on the
Internet, so that was wrong too.

It's Pope Paolo III by Tiziano.

Mary and Jesus in a playful moment.
This is unlike any other art I've
seen of the two of them.

The high altar.

A rose window.

The cathedral tower.

The monstrance.

The full monstrance.

If there is a rose window (or
several), I guarantee you it
will end up on the blog.

The entrance to the cathedral.

This has nothing to do with
the cathedral.  Instead it is
a marzipan cake of Don
Quixote, made by this shop
to be in the Guinness Book 
of World Records as the largest
marzipan cake of Don
Quixote ever made.
Trying to beat the record
would be like tilting at

(Editor's note: That's the second time on this trip you have used that joke.  Writer: And, if I get the opportunity, there will be a third time!)

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