Friday, March 30, 2007

Quick technical interlude. . .

I will be writing a long blog post tomorrow morning re our trip to Pompei. . .and I promise it will be well worth reading. But, before hitting the sack, a couple of notes:

* I've added some photos to recent blog posts -- kudos to my mom for noting that clicking on the photos enlarges them (only family members are likely to care about that. . .which is cool).

* Thanks for the nice emails. . .to quote Sally Fields, "you like me, you really like me!"

* A special thanks to Mollie Pazz for being the only person brave enough to post comments thus far. Mollie's blog was the inspiration for this blog (I reasoned, if an 8 year old can do a cool blog, I can blog too!). It's possible that I'm not posting them correctly, so if I've messed it up, it's only out of ignorance. I'm not trying to take away your First Amendment rights. I firmly believe in free speech -- trust me, I've given many of them (I DO prefer honoraria speeches!).

* The emails and comments asking Torie to smile have paid off. . .she is smiling now.

* Don't hesitate to post comments or email questions ( . .grazie and enjoy!

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