Saturday, March 31, 2007

Random Musings on Rome. . .

So, when I was running this morning, I went past a statue to Caesar Augustus. Within five yards was a statue to Caesar Nervae Avg. I wondered aloud -- "Nervae Avg? Was he known as 'Nervae the Average'" -- that's a historical name you don't hear much about (apparently for good reason). Ladies and gentlemen -- Alexander the Great, Richard the Lionhearted, and Nervae the Average!

Traffic is almost a disappointment on weekends. Jaywalking isn't as much fun when there is less of a threat to your life.

Italians may have us beat on greenhouse gas emissions, but they sure are litter kings. I saw at least two drivers throw major pieces of litter out their window on the A-1, and the piazzas are full of garbage.

Torie's nun count is up to 55 -- going to the Vatican today sure raised it (I didn't mention to her it's kind of like shooting fish in a barrel). On the other hand, a nun sighting is a nun sighting.

I'll bet the people working in Trajan's market had more experience than the people working on Wall Street.

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