Friday, March 30, 2007

Talk About Wake Up The Echoes. . .

Here's a little hint -- when you run from the Piazza Santa Maria Maggliore to the Colosseum in a personal best time, it's not just because you are running on adrenaline. It's because it is downhill. Eventually, you have to run back uphill. That takes longer.

But it was cool, running around the Colosseum as the sky lightened, past the Arch of Constantine, up towards the Roman Forum (until the gate blocks your way). Running on the huge blocks of stone was infused with a sense of history that far surpasses even running along the DC Mall. The stones were an interesting exercise -- I quickly and carefully picked my way along stones that had been set before the time of Jesus.

I also ran alongside the Forum to the Vittorio Emmanuel Memorial (sorry, it strikes me as having Fascist undertones. Grandiose, yes, but kinda out of place.

Eventually I turned around, taking a different way back -- not quite a loop, but not an out and back. I ran up Via Cavour until I knew roughly where I was, and then took side streets to make it back to the Hotel. Crossing the streets, even early on a Saturday, remains invigorating. There are fewer cars on the road, so the drivers can run you over at a much higher rate of speed. Experts say sprint work is good for runners, so I got in plenty while crossing the street.

Breakfast and Vatican on the agenda.

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